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Amy struggled when she first started to attend school at Tennyson. She would not make eye contact or speak to the staff or her peers. If Amy was asked a question she would either respond with a few words or hide beneath her jacket. She would usually play by herself during recess because she would get frustrated and throw things. Amy would spend most of her days writing stories and refused to do her classroom assignments.

After a few months, Amy shifted from hiding under her coat to covering her face with a scarf. While this went on for several months, she was starting to make progress in other areas. Slowly, Amy began to engage with staff and peers. She started to complete her class assignments with 1:1 support and was also able to go to recess without getting upset or frustrated.

Amy has really started to come out of her shell. She is now speaking in front of the class, participating in group, and completing her classroom assignments and homework each day. The best thing about Amy is her sense of humor.  Every day she keeps her class laughing with her funny sayings and stories. We’re happy to see the strides Amy has made and look forward to her seeing her grow even more at Tennyson.

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