Community Support Services
Community Support provides child and family therapy, parenting support, behavior management, and more for kids and families across Colorado. We bring these services directly to homes, schools, or any other place where they can best work towards healing. The focus of our community services is to build stronger and healthier families.

In-Home Therapy
We meet kids and families in their homes and other community locations to provide individual and family therapy, parenting support, and behavior management. This service is for kids 0-18 with a history of trauma who are experiencing mental and behavioral health challenges. This service prevents higher levels of care, such as hospitalization, and keeps children in their homes.

BRANCH stands for Behavior Resources for Adaptive Needs in the Community and Home. It provides intensive in-home therapy for children 5-18 with autism spectrum disorder or other intellectual/developmental disabilities in addition to trauma. It’s unique from other autism services in its focus on trauma and its incorporation of individual and family therapy.

Outpatient Services
Outpatient therapy serves kids and parents with less intensive needs. It provides ongoing support for clients who are ready to “step down” from higher levels of care. Through individual and family therapy, diagnostic services, and care coordination, they can continue building upon their progress to address the deeper causes of their mental health challenges.

Early Intervention

Substance Use Disorders
Designed to address and reduce the impact of drug and alcohol abuse, the substance use disorder program serves children, young adults, and caregivers ages 6-25. This service aims to provide education and treatment for individuals misusing substances and is delivered by a licensed addictions counselor and occurs within the trauma-informed care framework.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
DBT is a therapeutic approach that focuses on balancing one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. As a way to decrease polarization and/or conflict with others, DBT builds the skills of mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance. Our program teaches kids and families to use a wise mind approach and to recognize the opportunities to validate themselves and others.