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Sara, a mom of three, was at her financial breaking point just before the holidays. With the support of her clinician, she began carefully building an online Christmas wish list for her family as part of Tennyson’s Operation Santa project. She chose practical items like dish towels and blankets, along with a couple of gifts for her children.

Her shopping was restrained, and she avoided anything “fun” for herself because, in her words, she didn’t “deserve it.” After some gentle encouragement that she should also take part in Christmas, she finally added a few special things for herself.

Later, Sara described how profound it was to walk away from the experience feeling like she, too, was deserving.

Everyone deserves kindness and love just as much as they deserve warm clothing, hot meals, and a safe home. This includes you – our valuable community member – whose support ensures mothers like Sara have a joyful Christmas season. We hope you take the time to care for yourself this holiday season.

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